Implementation and Performance Analysis of different Multipliers


  • Pooja Karki Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Graphic Era University, Dehradun, India
  • Subhash Chandra Yadav Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Graphic Era University, Dehradun, India


Array multiplier, Row Bypassing Multiplier, Column Bypassing Multiplier, Switching Activity


Multipliers are very important and are used in various applications. This paper presents analysis of different
multipliers design such as array multiplier, row bypassing multiplier and column bypassing multiplier. The
multipliers are implemented using verilog HDL and the simulation is done in Modelsim simulator. The
multipliers are compared in terms of delay and area. It is observed that delay in column bypassing multiplier is
22.48% less than array multiplier and 21.25% less than row bypassing multiplier. It is also observed that the
column bypassing multiplier has less area than araay multiplier and row bypassing multiplier.


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How to Cite

Karki, P., & Yadav, S. C. (2023). Implementation and Performance Analysis of different Multipliers. Journal of Graphic Era University, 4(1), 49–56. Retrieved from


