Dynamic Modulation of Plasmonic Structures
Nanofabrication, active plasmonics, silver electrodeposition, gold nanoparticles, hole-mask colloidal lithography.Abstract
A method for active switching of plasmonic structures by surface oxide-
stabilized silver deposition is presented. The longitudinal dipole mode in pairs
of closely spaced gold nanodisks on ITO was switched by depositing and
removing a connecting layer of silver in solution. Optical properties were
studied using VIS-NIR extinction spectroscopy and confirmed by FDTD
simulations. Uniform dimensional growth by selective silver deposition
brought pairs of gold nanodisks of 73 nm average diameter and 11 nm
average distance into electrical contact. The growth process was studied by
spectroelectrochemical measurements, and uniformity and selectivity were
confirmed by SEM and XPS analysis, respectively. Uniform deposition was
achieved by introduction of surface oxides on immobilized gold nanodisks,
and selectivity by undervoltage deposition. Deposition of silver on disk pairs
caused a blue-shift of the transverse dipole mode resonance of roughly 50 nm,
and emergence of a new longitudinal mode with resonance around 960 nm.
These results demonstrate the possibility for not only tuning of resonance
peak position, but also on-demand switching of an additional mode which can
provide materials with switchable optical properties.
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