In Situ Atomic Force Microscopy Studies of the Effect of Indolicidin on E.coli Cells
Atomic force microscopy, indolicidin, antimicrobial peptides, E.coli cells, gelatin, honeycomb pattern, PLA, intracellular killing mechanism.Abstract
E.coli cells were succesfully attached to both gelatin coated surfaces and
polylactic acid honeycomb patterned mica surfaces as determined by in situ
atomic force microscopy. The gelatin coated surfaces provided a softer support
onto which the E.coli cells were capable of slightly submerging leading to a
better adhesion compared to the harder surfaces consisting of polylactic acid
polymer surfaces. After continuous scanning in liquid media, the E.coli cells
remained rod shaped and smooth. Indolicidin, a 13-AA linear antimicrobial
peptide, was injected in order to visualize the peptide-membrane interac-
tions in real time. Instantly after the injection of the peptides, the bacterial
membranes were observed to be distorted and seemed to melt proceeding as a
function of time. In conclusion, these experiments proved that the E.coli cells
were not ruptured as could be expected due to pore formation and disruption
of the osmotic pressure. This indicates a possible intracellular target killing
mechanism of indolicidin interacting with E.coli cells.
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