Validation of 5G Use Case Solutions – Simultaneous Assessment of Business Value and Social Acceptance in Early Stages of the Research and Innovation Projects


  • Per J. Nesse Telenor Research and Innovation, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
  • Hanne Stine Hallingby Telenor Research and Innovation, Oslo, Norway
  • Luigi Briguglio CyberEthicsLab, Rome, Italy
  • Ioannis Markopoulos NOVA, Athens, Greece



Validation, Research and Innovation projects, Business value, Social acceptance, Technological performance, 5G SOLUTIONS


This article recommends a lean approach when validating next generation mobile technology (5G) use case solutions in research and innovations projects (R&I). This validation should include a simultaneous and iterative assessment of business value and social acceptance beyond the traditional assessment of technological performance. The context studied in the article is R&I projects funded by the European Commission. Here a consortium of academic and enterprise partners jointly develops 5G product and service solutions for different industry verticals. From the literature review we learn that partnerships and ecosystems accelerate innovations as well as the significance of performing the validation already in the initial steps of the innovation projects. Based on a case study of seven completed 5G R&I projects we revealed that lean methodology for development of use case solutions were not applied. Furthermore, the assessment of potential business values from the 5G use case solutions, was postponed to the later stages of the R&I projects, and that assessing the social acceptance of these solutions were absent. After piloting the lean start-up methodology in an ongoing 5G R&I project (5G SOLUTIONS) we found that the partners advocated technological performance, business value and social acceptance to be ranked equally important to successfully validate the 5G use case solutions in the early steps in the innovation process. The two pilots we executed was performed as online workshops with partners from the 5G SOLUTIONS consortium and the media and entertainment vertical. The prototype was presented and feedback from the stakeholders were collected using surveys and interactive software tools. We recommend further studies and pilots of our lean start-up validation methodology in forthcoming 5G R&I projects funded by Horizon Europe for confirmation of our findings and further refinement.


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Author Biographies

Per J. Nesse, Telenor Research and Innovation, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

Per J. Nesse is senior research scientist in Telenor Research and Innovation. He is a specialist in service innovation management, entrepreneurship and financial analysis and validation. He has extensive experience from managing research and innovation projects in EU research programs with international enterprises and universities. Nesse is also associate professor at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Industrial Economics and Technology Management department. Nesse holds a Ph.D from NTNU and a Master of Science in Business from Nord University in Norway. Dr. Nesse has published scientific articles in journals such as International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, Journal of Information Technology and Management and European Journal of Operational Research and Nordic and Baltic Journal of Information and Communication Technologies.

Hanne Stine Hallingby, Telenor Research and Innovation, Oslo, Norway

Hanne Kristine Hallingby is a senior research scientist at Telenor Research and Innovation, Next Generation Network Technology and Cloud. She holds a PhD in Innovation studies from University of Oslo, Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, a Master of Business and Economics and Master of Science in International Marketing and Strategy from BI Norwegian business school. She started in Telenor in 1990 and has extensive experience as a researcher and project manager in Telenor operations. Her interests are technology change, innovation, ecosystems, and market dynamics in the telecom sector, as well as user aspects of telecommunication. She has published and is a reviewer in journals such as Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Telematics and Informatics, and IEEE Communications Magazine.

Luigi Briguglio, CyberEthicsLab, Rome, Italy

Luigi Briguglio holds a master’s degree in Electronic Engineering (1996) from the University of Padua. He is Senior Researcher and ICT Consultant at CyberEthics Lab, where he applies his expertise as a Project Manager in ICT and Embedded Systems research projects. In July 2015 he got a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. He is a member of the PMI-Central Italy Membership Committee, as well as member of ISC2. His topics of interests are software architecture, data management, cybersecurity, social acceptability of new technologies, project management, embedded systems, monitor and control systems, and automation. He worked in the industry of Energy Conversion and RES Generation by developing monitor and control system based on embedded devices and custom electronics. He had research experience at INFM (National Institute of Matter and Physics) for developing a DSP-based controller for a near-field scanning optical microscope.

Ioannis Markopoulos, NOVA, Athens, Greece

Ioannis Markopoulos is leading NOVA’s Innovation & Project Management Department. He holds a PhD in Telecommunications from the National Technical University of Athens, Electrical Engineering Department. He is a National Technical University of Athens, Electrical Department Graduate and a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece. Since 2007, he is also PMP certified. He has been working and leading numerous European and Domestic R&D projects in the domain of broadband telecommunications, value added services, management, etc. He has also produced and participated in several publications. He participates in the Federation of Hellenic ICT Enterprises working groups. His research interests include next generation networks, big data analytics, customer experience measurement methods, value added & OTT services, and customer loyalty & trust methods. He participates in 5G-PPP TMV WGs and led the task force for mapping the vertical KPIs to the 5G network KPIs.


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How to Cite

Nesse, P. J., Hallingby, H. S., Briguglio, L., & Markopoulos, I. (2023). Validation of 5G Use Case Solutions – Simultaneous Assessment of Business Value and Social Acceptance in Early Stages of the Research and Innovation Projects. Nordic and Baltic Journal of Information & Communications Technologies, 2023, 37–72.


