A Study of Zillennials in Uttarakhand Using RStudio
Gadget lover, personal innovativeness, RStudio, technological innovativeness, technological opinion leadership, Uttarakhand, Zillennials.Abstract
The purpose of this study is to understand the behaviour of Zillennials.
The study has used constructs like personal innovativeness, technological
innovativeness, gadget lovers, and technological opinion leadership for gain-
ing insight into the overall behaviour of Zillennials. The study involve
quantitative research where descriptive research design is used. This study
makes use of both primary and secondary data. Survey research method has
been used in this study where primary data is collected through a question-
naire. The questionnaire consists of 16 items where each of these items is
evaluated on a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (Strongly Disagree)
to 5 (Strongly Agree). The data is collected from a sample of 300 students
from various colleges of Pithoragarh belonging to the category of Zillennials.
Purposive sampling technique is used to collect the data. The study uses
descriptive measures of central tendency, cronbach alpha, and confirmatory
factor analysis technique. The data is analysed in RStudio with the help
of readxl, psych, lavaan, and summarytools packages. The results of this
study reveal that Zillennials in Uttarakhand have personal innovativeness and
technological opinion leadership.
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